Classes & Programs
OneWorld is proud to offer a variety of classes and programs for patients and community members alike.
Adolescent Health Classes
OneWorld’s Adolescent Health Outreach team visits schools and community organizations and host fun, engaging sexual health classes for anyone under age 25. Classes cover information about healthy relationships, sexually transmitted infections and contraceptives.
Breastfeeding Classes
OneWorld WIC offers breastfeeding classes every other month via Zoom. Trained community breastfeeding educators offer support, community and education for eligible WIC patients.
Collaborative Care
Our Advanced Integrative Mental Health Services program (AIMS), otherwise known as Collaborative Care, is available for patients who receive a mental health diagnosis. OneWorld medical and behavioral health clinicians integrate care with our psychiatric clinicians to improve the overall mental well-being of patients.
Diabetes Prevention
The Diabetes Prevention Program is part of the National Diabetes Prevention Program, led by the CDC. This program is designed to help individuals make positive lifestyle changes to prevent Type 2 diabetes. Classes are offered in English and Spanish. This program is free of charge and is open to the public; participants do not have to be a OneWorld patient.
Medication-Assisted Treatment
We are proud to offer Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), a holistic, individually tailored program for patients struggling with substance use disorders. MAT combines behavioral health therapy and medication to treat substance use disorders.
Omaha Teen Generation
Omaha Teen generation (OTG) is a group of teen peer adolescent health educators. Members of OTG are graduates of OneWorld’s sexual health program and are chosen based on their commitment to helping others learn about sexual health and their desire to make a difference in their community.