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Nutrition Leading The Way to Healthy Futures

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March is National Nutrition Month and a great time to focus on the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy habits. At OneWorld we are proud to have a team of Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists that specialize in a variety of nutritional services. From our Licensed Medical Nutrition Therapists (LMNT) who provide individualized dietary therapy plans, to the nutrition resources available at our Friday Food Pantry – OneWorld is focused on providing our patients and the community access to good nutrition.

Many classes and programs are also available at OneWorld that focus on improving health – including Dominate Diabetes, Healthy Families and Baby Café. Our Dominate Diabetes Workshops taught by certified diabetes educator, Karen McClelland focuses on winning the battle against diabetes and is available to patients and guests. You can find more information about our current classes our website

In addition to the nutrition resources available at our clinics, our nutrition professionals are committed to providing information on healthy habits for daily life. Food choices greatly affect our health and wellbeing and studies have shown that some health concerns can be improved or even avoided by maintaining a healthy diet.

Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget

  • Cook at home as often as possible
  • Use meat extenders like oats and brown rice
  • Simplify with quick and easy recipes
  • Use canned beans for quick and cost effective meals
  • Purchase meat and poultry on sale and freeze
  • Use a slow cooker

When implementing healthy choices it can feel overwhelming at first and it is different for each individual. Grace Sourile, Registered Dietitian at OneWorld, says when making healthy choices a great place to start is eliminating sugar from your diet as much as possible. Decreasing processed and even natural sugars has a great impact on your overall health.  Making smart, realistic goals is an important part of being successful and maintaining a healthier life style.

“Choose five things you would like to work on, and then select one to focus on at a time. Once you have fit it into your daily life then continue down your list.” Small changes like “choosing only to order water then eating at a restaurant or aiming for color variety in your fruits and vegetables” lead to a healthier lifestyle. – Grace Sourile

Schedule an appointment with our OneWorld Nutritional Professionals to create a plan for a healthier future.

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